Recently,google has released a lot of tools for user.Of course it is a good news for user.Beside a very famous search engine,google also offer free online web album.You can upload your image to the internet easily and also share it with your friend with google web album.For blogger who upload their image to be used in the blogspot article,they image has been included in a web album of this picasa web album automatically.You also have a huge size of image hosting of free picasa web album up to 1GB,so don't waste it.
All you need is just a free picasa software from google for those who are want to upload their image straightly to picasa web album.
Picasa web album features:
Picasa Web Albums data API,Share photo albums in your instant messages,Search community photos,More free storage,Link to this album or photo,View Blogger photos,Anyone can upload videos using Picasa,Order prints and photo products,Now available in 18 additional languagesPicasa Web Albums now works in the following languages:English (UK), English (US), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.Anyone can now try Picasa Web Albums,Email notifications,Link to your friends and alsoUse your Mac to upload photos.
You can go here for further information...