Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Clipclip.Org - Your online scrapbook...

click above picture to go to the website

Do you love making scrapbook?When you're a child,you love making scrapbook about everything you like.But when you're become more older and you're far away from your childhood memory.Why not you start making your scrapbook again but not at your book but via internet.

I believe,almost everyday you surfing through internet.You will see the new thing maybe new website, new merchandise or new artist or album.So you can share it with your friend what have you found.It's very simple,just highlight the section you would like to clip and click on the Clipclip button on the toolbar(of course you have to install the button at your toolbar).Finally, write notes, or tag for easy access.

Clipclip Features:
Email clips to friends and family!
When you see something cute, funny, or interesting on the net, why not just send the actual clip rather than a boring link?
Join groups and share your clips instantly!
Even better, join or create groups and share your clips right away! Great for research with classmates, colleagues and friends for sure, and a great way to show off the cool things you found on the net without annoying them with bunch of emails :)

But,you still don't understand what you need to do?Need more explanation?Just watch a video of how to make your own clip...

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